Penn State High Tunnel Production Manual Bill Lamont and Mike Orzolek View at Penn State High Tunnel Extension Program Bill Lamont, Mike Orzolek, E. Jay Holcomb, Robert M. Crassweller, Kathy Demchak, Eric Burkhart, Lisa White, and Bruce Dye Penn State Extension View at Penn State Extension High Tunnel Production of Cucumber on Raised Beds. · High tunnel interest continues to grow. Ron Goldy, Michigan State University Extension - Febru. High tunnels are beneficial for production of several annual crops in northern climates like Michigan. Since they have been used commercially in the United States for 10 or more years, high tunnels can hardly be considered “new. “High Tunnel Production Manual". Penn State University College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. White, L. and Orzolek, M. "High Tunnels: Using Low-Cost Technology to Increase Yields, Improve Quality and Extend the Season". Ted Blomgren, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Tracy Frisch, Regional Farm and Food Project.
This season extension manual, covering commercial hoop house and high tunnel production, is available in hard copy for purchase only. Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - A Short History of Protected Horticulture: World and Regional Perspectives. SEASONAL HIGH TUNNEL SYSTEM FOR CROPS (ft2.) CODE DEFINITION A seasonal polyethylene covered structure with no electrical, heating, and/or mechanical High Tunnel Production Manual". Penn State University College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. White, L. and Orzolek, M. In the Cultivar Selection and Variety Trials section of the topic room, a good primer is the video W hat to Plant, part of a Kansas State series on commercial high tunnel vegetable production. Fertility Management. In a seasonal high tunnel, plant growth may start earlier, last longer and/or lead to a significant increase in biomass and yield.
Penn State High Tunnel Manual (Lamont et al., ) available from the senior author. The manual also includes extensive environmental data as well as information on production of a wide variety of horticultural crops in the high tunnels. The price for the 17 × ft high tunnel is about $1,, de-pending on prices of locally purchased materials. “High Tunnel Production Manual". Penn State University College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. White, L. and Orzolek, M. "High Tunnels: Using Low-Cost Technology to Increase Yields, Improve Quality and Extend the Season". Ted Blomgren, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Tracy Frisch, Regional Farm and Food Project. High Tunnel Production Manual”. Penn State University College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. White, L. and Orzolek, M.