Welcome to the HMRC Manuals - Croner-i's database of tax and VAT guidance manuals (the former Revenue and former Customs manuals). These have been enhanced with a detailed topic index, and links to other manuals, legislation and relevant tax cases. The structure and presentation of the manuals on the HMRC site is not consistent. · HMRC manuals. Find HMRC internal guidance. These manuals contain guidance prepared for HMRC staff and are published in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and HMRC Publication Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins. · Pensions Tax Manual. Contents. The legislation and regulations behind the pension schemes tax regime. This manual replaced Registered .
HMRC internal manual Inheritance Tax Manual. From: HM Revenue Customs Published 20 March Updated: 19 April , see all updates. Search this manual Search Contents; IHTM; IHTM - Control holdings of quoted shares or securities: Transfers and shares within IHTA84/S (1)(cc). HMRC December Report on research to understand businesses' awareness and experience of Capital Gains Tax and Entrepreneurs' Relief to explore whether it incentivises investment or divestment business activities. Researchers surveyed individuals who had claimed the relief, those who had paid the full rate of CGT, and those who had done. Welcome to the HMRC Manuals - Croner-i's database of tax and VAT guidance manuals (the former Revenue and former Customs manuals).These have been enhanced with a detailed topic index, and links to other manuals, legislation and relevant tax cases. The structure and presentation of the manuals on the HMRC site is not consistent.
Pensions Tax Manual. Contents. The legislation and regulations behind the pension schemes tax regime. This manual replaced Registered Pension Schemes Manual from PTM Welcome to the HMRC Manuals - Croner-i's database of tax and VAT guidance manuals (the former Revenue and former Customs manuals). These have been enhanced with a detailed topic index, and links to other manuals, legislation and relevant tax cases. The structure and presentation of the manuals on the HMRC site is not consistent. Corporation Tax Manuals. These manuals contain guidance on Corporation Tax. From: HM Revenue Customs. Published. 3 September Last updated. 30 September — See all updates. Animation.