Start the lathe. Release the E-Stop. Press start. Move the spindle speed range lever to high or low. Change the RPM to the calculated value. Move the cutting tool close to the desired Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. · are several other types of LATHES, this document will focus only on the manual lathe. They are also known as tool room lathes and/or engine lathes. Normally, a part is held in a collet or lathe chuck and a cutting tool is held in a tool post. The lathe is switched on and the part begins to rotate. Manual of Lathe Operations and Machinists Tables, Atlas Press Co. - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or view presentation slides online. THE manual of lathe operation by the Atlas Press Company/5(37).
76 MANUAL OF LATHE OPERATION THE THREE-JA,W UNIVERSAL SCROLL CHUCI«' The three jaws of the umi-. versa! scroll chuck Mar M. (View Contents) Mar M. Mar are several other types of LATHES, this document will focus only on the manual lathe. They are also known as tool room lathes and/or engine lathes. Normally, a part is held in a collet or lathe chuck and a cutting tool is held in a tool post. The lathe is switched on and the part begins to rotate. more lab time to hands on lathe experience rather than listening to a lec-ture by referring to this manual before seeking assistance from the TA’s. The sections of this manual are arranged in the order you must under-stand information to successfully complete a lathe operation. Later sec-tions will refer to skills discussed in previous sections.