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Controller for temperature control - EKC and EKC Manual. Temperature-controlled hot gas sanfoss. The time when water drips off the evaporator. It is transmitted nowhere. They mean the following: Natural defrost on pump down. Normal operation or alarm Room temp. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Controls Manual Controller for temperature control - EKC and EKC ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control system REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Introduction Application The controller is a simple thermostat regulator in which some refrigeration-technical functions have been integrated so that it can replace a link-up of a group of thermostats and timers. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. Controller for temperature control - EKC and EKC Manual. The display shows the actual room temperature, but by activating the keys the display changes To the set or the actual temperature of the defrost sensor.
Manual Exquisit EKC Z. View the Exquisit EKC Z manual for free or ask your question to other Exquisit EKC Z owners. Manual EKC Portugues. Enviado por. Octavio Ramalho. % (2) % consideraram este documento útil (2 votos) visualizações 16 páginas. Dados do documento. clique para ver informações do documento. Direitos autorais. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Controls Manual Controller for temperature control - EKC and EKC ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control system REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Introduction Application The controller is a simple thermostat regulator in which some refrigeration-technical functions have been integrated so that it can replace a link-up of a group of thermostats and timers.