This inspection manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Guidance Documents, "Asbestos-Containing Materials in School Buildings: Part 1 . Inspection Guidance Manual CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION This manual has been developed to assist compliance inspectors from the States and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC), under contract with EPA, to conduct inspections under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) . the u.s. environmental protection agency (epa) decided (1) to develop guidance that documents roof removal practices including those that comply with the asbestos neshap and those that are not subject to the neshap and (2) to develop an interpretive rule that specifies how and when the asbestos neshap applies to the removal .
The EPA asbestos web site contains general information on asbestos sources, exposure and health effects, what to do if you suspect asbestos, training, and laws and regulations. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided (1) to develop guidance that documents roof removal practices including those that comply with the asbestos NESHAP and those that are not subject to the NESHAP and (2) to develop an Interpretive Rule that specifies how and when the asbestos NESHAP applies to the removal of ACRM. EPA has identified a need to address how specific demolition practices affect Category I and II nonfriable ACM. The purpose of this manual is to provide asbestos NESHAP inspectors with such information. This manual is intended to apply primarily to demolition and cleanup activities for buildings that contain Category I nonfriable ACM.
Inspection Guidance Manual CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION This manual has been developed to assist compliance inspectors from the States and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC), under contract with EPA, to conduct inspections under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of (15 U.S.C. ) and the Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule, promulgated pursuant to AHERA. The purpose of this manual is to ensure asbestos containing materials in SFA facilities are managed in accordance with current applicable regulations and to aid in protecting human health in the presence of asbestos within the university. To help achieve this goal, the EHSRM. This inspection manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Guidance Documents, "Asbestos-Containing Materials in School Buildings: Part 1 and Part II".