First Aid Manual (FM ) Army, Navy, Air Force, , pgs Emergency War Surgery Handbook NATO, , pgs Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Alternative Medicine, , pgs. FM / The First Aid Field Manual focuses on taking prompt and effective action in sustaining life and preventing or minimizing further suffering for the soldier. First aid is the emergency care given to the sick, injured, or wounded before being treated by medical personnel. STP SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks: Skill Level 1. FM , First Aid for Soldiers. NOTE: Some of the task titles and information have changed and are not reflected in FM and STP SMCT. Refer to the Army Training Support Center, Common Core Task internet site at.
FIRST AID. JANUARY DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. *This publication supersedes FM /NTRP /AFMAN (I)/MCRP G, dated 23 December Headquarters, Department of the Army. Field Manual, FM , List and index of War Department publications. Technical Manuals and other War Department and Department of the Army publications were identified in FM List and index of publications (title varies). Of these the Library of Congress has identified the following issues in its collections, by date. FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS FM , Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook, FIRST AID FM Take a look at the sample for this book and for details about downloading free US military manuals as a thank you for taking the time to look at our book. PREFACE These manuals meets the first aid training needs of individual service members.
FM Basic Field Manual, First Aid For Soldiers "The purpose of this manual is to teach the soldier what he can do for himself or a fellow soldier if injury or sickness occurs when no medical officer or Medical Department soldier is nearby. FM BASIC FIELD MANUAL FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS (The matter contained herein supersedes chapter 10, FM ; and section II, chapter 14, FM ) SECTION I GENERAL * 1. PURPOSE OF MANUAL.-The purpose of this manual is to teach the soldier what he can do for himself or a fellow. FM First Aid For Soldiers Item Preview FULL TEXT download. download 1 file The Manual Library.